All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. -George Harrison
Emilie's Latest Visit to the Doctor 7-24-09
The good news about Emilie is that she is a tough girl, and she wasn't going to have anyone touching her. The bad news is that this made it impossible to determine what her eye pressures were. The surgeon did agree that Emilie's left eye does look worse again, or at least not as good as it did right after surgery. The left eye continually looks like it is struggling. The did a preliminary eye test and Em's left eye just acts like it can't see at all. Her right eye is doing well, it can follow objects and is not very cloudy at all. Most days you can see her iris and pupil, it seems to be doing great.
The tentative plan for now is to put Emilie under anesthesia on the 19th of August and then check the pressures on the right eye. If the right eye has normal pressures, then the surgeon will operate on the left. The left eye has already had a trabeculotomy on both sides of the eyes, so it looks like now that we are headed for shunts-ville. A shunt will be placed in her left eye when ever it is operated on. (If not in August, then soon after.)
Either way, we have two surgeries remaining: the interior trabeculotomy of the right eye, and the shunt in the left eye. I hesitate to really discuss what the medical doctor discusses if that left eye doesn't respond, but needless to say words like "transplant" were thrown around. Kasey and I will just keep praying for better results so we don't have to reach that point.
Lastly, what I consider some good peices of news. The doctor gave us the number of the developmental agency that will help us make our home better equipped for Emilie so that when she walks and reads and plays that we have all the toys and equippment necessary that will adjust to her needs. We will call them after we get through this August surgery. Emilie will also be measured for glasses, and will start wearing them soon after, which is kind of nice for us, because if the doc can locate glasses for her, then we can surely locate sunglasses (which she desperately needs). That and I think the little one will look pretty darn adorable in a pair.
Keep the prayers coming if you will. And we will let you know in 3 weeks how the surgery goes...
Grace's New Talent???
So, we are getting more and more convinced that Grace is going to grow up to do what Grace wants to do. A while back Grace told Grams that she loved the cheerleaders at a basketball game and now last night she picks up a tent pole and decides to start "twirling" it. That's her words. Now, I know that Grandma was a baton twirler for a time, but absent Granny doing some secret training sessions, I have no idea where this comes from.
Crap, here comes cheerleading camp...Kasey seems to think that if we let her near anything that has to do with Cheer, she'll never grow up to be a debater. Nevermind that one of his best students that got a ton of awards was in POM. Who knows, either way, it's worth 19 seconds to check it out!